Thursday 2 February 2012

Waitrose Apple Strudel

Waitrose Apple Strudel

In my battle to counter act the all nice food is bad for you people who want you to eat flavourless dull food here is an idea for morning coffee or afternoon tea or whenever you fancy it really

Those jolly nice people at Waitrose have the most fabulous Patisserie is the majority of their stores, my local store in Southampton is especially good and always full of the most delicious treats. After dropping the kids off at school I stopped off on my way home, it was en route, honest.

Their strudel is packed full of layers of tasty apple with a little crunch, succulent sultanas and subtle spice notes. These are all wrapped up in paper thin buttery pasty and dusted in sweet icing sugar. At £1.19 it is a bargain and less than half of the price of a generic high street coffee, make your own coffee it's nicer and cheaper and buy yourself a treat.



  1. Oh, how the other half live Stuart! Lovely images as usual, plus you've suddenly made me feel very hungry!

  2. I really like the middle photo mate, showing off the crisp pastry on top.I would've been proud to make that! ;-)

  3. great images as always and lovely lighting - If i owned a restaurant i'd be coming to you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jesus Stu, your pictures leave me feeling bloody hungry, inspirational stuff!

    1. Thanks David, I'm humbled by your kind words.
