Thursday 22 December 2011

Salmon with glass noodles, radish and carrot

Salmon with glass noodles, radish and carrot

The kids came over for diner tonight so I decided to do fish as it's something they all enjoy, I wanted something a little different and eye catching for the blog so went for an Asian theme they weren't fussed but enjoyed the food.

I steamed the Salmon as it helps to keep the fish moist, is uber healthy and you cannot go far wrong. As I do not own a steamer I placed the fish in a metal colander over a pan of boiling water, make sure the water doesn't come into the bottom of the colander and cover the top to stop the steam escaping, I use a frying pan. Cooking takes 8 - 10 minutes, it can be difficult to tell when it's cooked the way you want it so I just cut into one piece to check.

Whilst the Salmon is cooking place the glass noodles in a bowl and cover with boiling water, they take around 5 minutes to cook but I suggest following the instructions on the packet.

Grate the carrot, I use one large carrot for two people and grate on the chunkiest side.

Top and tail your radishes, I suggest getting them with the leaves still in tact, this gives you the option to leave them looking the way mine do in the photos.

You should have time to prep and plate the noodles, carrot and radish whilst the salmon is cooking obviously leaving the noodles until the last minute. Once the salmon is cooked remove from the colander and remove the skin, if the salmon is cooked properly the skin will slide straight off and you can plate up. Drizzle the salmon with a little sesame oil and serve whilst the fish is still hot.


- 4 Salmon fillets from Sainsburys

- One packet of Glass Noodles from Yau Brothers

- 2 Carrots and one bunch of Radishes from my local Fruit and Veg man. Find your local F&V man, mine has great quality, excellent prices and is really cheery.

- Sesame Oil also from Yau Brothers

Click here for your recipe card


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