Tuesday 8 November 2011

Chicken breast with spinach and tagliatelle

Chicken breast with spinach and tagliatelle,cooking this evenings dish and the Stilton and pastrami on rustic roll I posted at lunch time have taught me two lessons, one editing and posting on a computer you are not used to using and with inadequate software is really frustrating and two working in a kitchen much larger and well equipped than mine will stress me out tomorrow when I am back at home. One win one loose I guess.

Tonight's dish was really simple and the kids loved it as did I, start by roasting the chicken breast I did 25 minutes at 180c in a fan assisted oven, season the breasts and add a little chicken stock to the roasting tray. Don't turn, don't touch it, don't mess with it this is simple cooking.

Tagliatelle, I could claim to have made this myself and someone would believe me, however, this is from Sainsbury's Fresh Pasta range, once your chicken has been in for about 15 minutes add your tagliatelle to a large pan of boiling water for as long as it says on the packet, usually 4 minutes. Once cooked drain, drizzle with a little Olive Oil sill in the colander cover the colander to keep warm.

Add a lump of butter to the pan you boiled the pasta in and allow to melt, add the spinach and a good pinch of freshly ground black pepper and wilt until it looks cooked, be careful this will only take 2 minutes max.

Once the chicken is cooked, you'll now it's ready because it will have been in for 25 minutes and be firm to the touch take it out and allow to rest whilst you serve the tagliatelle and spinach. Just look at the photos to see how I do it.

That is it, now eat and enjoy, you'll be learning if you've been following my blog my food is simple, easy and tasty. My writing is poor but will hopefully get better over time.


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