Saturday 10 December 2011

Roast Haddock in pancetta with spaghetti and asparagus

Roast Haddock in pancetta with spaghetti and asparagus, tonights dinner at the request of my four year old daughter, in her words in came with bacon not pancetta but I used a little artistic license.

Nothing complicated here wrap the Haddock in two slices of pancetta and add to a hot frying pan with a little oil turn after 60 seconds or when golden brown. Once both sides are golden place on baking tray or in a small roasting dish and cook for 7 to 10 minutes at 180c.

Cook spaghetti as per instructions on packet, drain once cooked and drizzle with olive oil and season. Place the asparagus into salted boiling water for 2 or 3 minutes and remove from water and serve immediately.

Plan your timings to be ready to serve as soon as the asparagus is ready, it's not difficult if I can manage it. Give the whole lot a couple of good grinds of black pepper before serving. All done.


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