Tuesday 20 December 2011

Pork Chop Dinner

Pork Chop Dinner

A big slab of red meat for dinner tonight, I love pork chops cooked as simply as possible and with good flavours to go with them. I had my chops with caramelised apple, shredded Brussels sprouts with smoky bacon, parsnip chips and apple cider sauce.

I caramelised the apple first as it does not need to be piping hot, simply cut the apple into eights and remove the core whilst melting a large knob of butter in a frying pan. Once the butter is gently foaming add the apple and a tablespoon of sugar and good gently until the apple is golden brown, remove from the pan and set a side.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan and add cubes of smoky bacon and fry until it is golden brown, whilst the bacon is cooking take the outer leaves from the Brussels and then shred with a sharp knife. Once the bacon is golden brown add your shredded sprouts and toss until all of the sprouts are covered in bacon flavoured oil. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes.

Finally season your chops and pan fry at a medium heat until cooked properly.

Serve with a big dollop of sauce I used Owen Potts Apple & Pear Sauce and a handful of Tyrel's Parsnip Chips.


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