Monday 31 October 2011

Yasai yaki udon

Yasai yaki udon this fabulous vegetarian dish from Japan is full of beautiful flavours, sweet aroma and interesting textures.

The combination of sweet onions and garlic, acidic peppers and salty and sour dressing set the taste buds tingling, combine this with the crunchy vegetables, soft udon noodles and velvety smooth dressing and you've got a fabulous dish.

As stimulating on the eye and it is on the mouth I'll definitely being making this one again.

The original recipe is Yasai yaki soba from the BBC Food website, I changed the noodle as I'm a fan of Udon noodles. You can make it the way you like is as the neutral flavour of the noodles doesn't make a huge difference, however, the texture is quite different.

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