Sunday 8 April 2012

Chicken Stir Fry

Chicken Stir Fry

Lunch with the kids was quick, easy an colourful today, wok fried strips of chicken breast mixed with courgettes, red and green peppers and serves over fine egg noodles. The noodles are dressed with toasted sesame oil and I added garlic infused hot chilli sauce. Season the the chicken with salt and pepper before cooking in a small amount of vegetable or sunflower oil. If you you are making this for adults or older children you can toss the whole lot in a hot and sour sauce which gives an additional kick


Cooking time: 30 minutes | Serves 2 adults + 2 children

- 4 chicken breasts

- 4 sheets Sharwood's Fine Egg Noodles

- 3 peppers, colours of your choice

- 2 courgettes

- Toasted sesame oil to taste

Optional dressing

- 3 tsp runny honey or mirin

- 6 tsp lime juice

- 3 tsp fish sauce

- 2 or 3 tsp hot chilli sauce


Slice the chicken breasts into strips on the diagonal and season with salt an pepper, fry in a hot wok until golden and good through thoroughly. Once cooked set a side and keep warm.

Slice the peppers into strips and the courgette into rounds on the diagonal, season and fry in the wok with the same oil as the chicken was cooked in. This will help add colour and flavour to the vegetables.

Whilst preparing the chicken and vegetables cook the noodles as per packet, drain and dress with toasted sesame oil

Once everything is ready toss together in the wok and serve.

If serving for older children adults you can added home made sauce by mixing all of the ingredients in a bowl and adding whilst tossing all of the ingredients together after cooking.


Stuart Webster Photography provide Food, Lifestyle and Commercial photography services throughout Hampshire and the UK.

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