Monday 2 January 2012

Scrambled Eggs with Peppers and Hot Sauce

Scrambled Eggs with Peppers and Hot Sauce

Shot and edited on the iPhone 3Gs and iPad1

A quick and easy breakfast this morning, not a Traditional English I grant you but tasty none the less.


- 2 Bell Peppers (1 red, 1 green)
- 1 Shallot
- 3 Large Eggs
- 1 Bottle Hot Sauce

Start by finely chopping the shallot and dicing the peppers, warm a little olive oil in a frying pan and sauté the peppers and shallot until softened but still with a little bite. Season with a good pinch of sea salt once the peppers are cooked put a side and keep warm until the eggs are ready.

Whilst the peppers are cooking break the eggs into a bowl, add a little milk and salt beat for a couple of minutes. Once the peppers are done clean out the pan and put back on the heat with a large knob of butter, once the butter is starting to bubble add the egg mixture. For scrambled eggs I like to allow the mixture to firm all over and then break up the egg with a whisk, remove from the heat and allow the latent heat in the pan to finish the cooking whilst still whisking.

Once the eggs are cooked serve immediately with the peppers and add a cook amount of hot sauce to bring it to life.

Download your recipe card here


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