Tuesday 27 December 2011

Kaffee und Kuchen

Kaffee und Kuchen

A Christmas style coffee and cake for a quick post this morning, the coffee is Percol Black & Beyond a quick and lazy way to make a full flavoured cup of coffee, available from all major Supermarkets and Delis everywhere. Percol brand it as Espresso strength which is pushing it a little to much but it is a good coffee with a deep, rich flavour.

My cake is a lovely slice or three of Stollen follow the link if you want to know more about Stollen but basically it is a rich fruit cake with marzipan centre and dusted in a layer of icing sugar to make it look especially festive. Stollen originates from Germany but is now available from stores everywhere, there are many bakers of Stollen, I am no expert so it is a bit hit and miss as to whether you get a good one.

I'm of to enjoy my Stollen, a fuller post later today with a new recipe.


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