Friday 23 December 2011

Golden Crispy Chicken with Pasta

Golden Crispy Chicken with Pasta

Golden, crispy, moist chicken one of my favorite dishes, I'll warn the health conscious of you this is probably not for you but hey that is your lose because this is great.

First things first the pasta and thee cucumber are lovely but lets face it this dish is all about the chicken, for instructions on cooking pasta I suggest reading the packet it really helps. Now for the chicken, I use legs and thighs if you cook them right they are amazing, far better than breast I'd suggest two thighs and two legs minimum for an adult, possibly more if they've a big appetite.

Start by remove the bone from the thighs this is simple, lay the thigh skin side down on a chopping board flatten it out as much as possible and run a sharp knife down the bone. Once the bone is exposed continue to trim around the bone until you can pull it away, make sure you get all of the tough sinew, do not attempt to remove the bone from the legs.

Now added enough oil (vegetable / sunflower) to cover the bottom of the largest flat bottom pan you have, heat the oil until you can feel the heat when holding you hand over the oil, now start to add the thighs skin side down, if the oil is hot enough it should sizzle but not explode into flames. Leave for at least 5 minutes before checking the colour, if you have the temperature right you should be able to leave it for 7 - 10 minutes before turning. Once the skin is beautiful and golden turn and cooking flesh side down for a further 5 - 7 minutes, cut into the flesh to check that it is cooked through thighs usually cook fairly evenly with the bone removed.

For the legs follow the same method, if you have two pans then cook them at the same time however, legs will require turning more frequently due to their shape and may take slightly longer took cook. With the legs I suggest cooking one extra to use as a tester, once you think it is cooked cut all the the way to the bone and check for signs of blood this is especially important when cooking for children, they'll not be impressed with blood in their dinner. Legs should be a beautiful golden colour when fully cooked.

Serve how ever you see fit, personally I could eat a pile for this with nothing but some hot chilli sauce but I'll leave that to you.


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